Dittofeed can integrate with Twilio to send SMS.

Integration Instructions

Once you’ve created a twilio account there are a few necessary pieces of information you’ll need to provide to Dittofeed:

  1. Your Twilio Account SID
  2. Your Twilio Auth Token
  3. Your Twilio Messaging Service SID

These can be input in the settings page dashboard/settings#sms-channel

Twilio Settings

Acquiring an Account SID and Auth Token

Go to the Twilio API keys page https://console.twilio.com/console/account/keys-credentials/api-keys and create a new API key.

Twilio API Keys

This will give you an Account SID and Auth Token.

Acquiring a Messaging Service SID

Go to the Twilio Messaging Services page https://www.twilio.com/console/sms/services and create a new Messaging Service. This will provide you with a Sid.

Twilio Messaging Service