The dittofeed-ee application is a closed source extension of Dittofeed that includes additional features, like support for multi-tenancy.
To install dittofeed-ee, contact the Dittofeed team at [email protected] in order to receive a personal access token for our private docker image registry.
Once you have the token, you can install dittofeed-ee using our docker compose file or helm chart.
The dittofeed-ee image currently requires that you run it in multi-tenant mode.
Docker Compose
First, login to the docker registry using your Dittofeed issued personal access token.
Create a .env file in the root directory with the environment variables described in the multi-tenant auth mode docs.
You will also need to set the environment variables described in the multi-tenant auth mode docs in your .env file.
Then, run our docker-compose.ee.yaml file.
Helm Chart
Likewise, you can install dittofeed-ee using our helm chart. First, login to the docker registry using your Dittofeed issued personal access token.
First set the following values in your values.yaml file.
Then, install the helm chart.
We support deployment of dittofeed-ee on Render. To do so, you will need to add your Docker Hub credentials to your Render account settings.
Log in to your Render account and navigate to the Dashboard.
Go to “Account Settings” in the left sidebar.
Click on “Registry Credentials” in the Account Settings menu.
Click the “Add Credential” button.
In the “Add Registry Credential” modal:
- Select “Docker Hub” as the registry type
- Name the credential
- Enter your Docker Hub username
- Enter your Docker Hub password or personal access token
- Give the credential a name for easy reference
Click “Add Credential” to save.
Then install the dittofeed-ee service from the render-ee branch.