For a quick way to get started sending messages, copy/paste the code for these templates into any editor that is configured to render MJML, such as the Dittofeed template editor.

Styled Onboarding Email

Use this template for a more styled approach to onboarding.

Great onboarding emails give recipients straightforward instructions. To improve overall usage metrics for your app, focus these emails on a specific feature that your target user segment hasn’t interacted with frequently (or at all).

Newsletter/Product Update

Regularly informing your users about what’s going on at your company with email newsletters and product updates is an important and simple way to keep them engaged.

This template is used at Dittofeed for our product release update emails. Adapt the design, copy, and links to suit your company’s newsletter needs, then send it off with a Dittofeed broadcast!

Plain Text Welcome

Most applications want to send a welcome email to new users. This email represents a great opportunity to assist users in onboarding, and to link them to relevant documentation.

Many teams find it advantageous to send a plain text welcome email, as it feels more personal and less like a marketing email. With the exception of the footer containing the company address, and the unsubscribe link, this email is entirely unstyled.

Abandoned Cart

Abandoned cart emails are a powerful tool for e-commerce businesses. They are sent to customers who have added products to their cart but did not complete the purchase. These emails serve as a reminder to customers about their unfinished transactions and often include a call to action to encourage them to complete their purchase. They can significantly help in recovering lost sales and improving conversion rates.

New Product Release

New product release emails are a great way to announce new products to your customers, especially if they’re targetted based on the their previous purchasing behavior. They can be used to build excitement and anticipation for the new product and drive sales.

Discount Code Drip

Discount code drip emails are a great way to reward your customers for their loyalty. They can be used to encourage repeat purchases and increase customer lifetime value.

Minimal Unstyled Plain Text Email

Use this template structure if you want your emails to appear as natural as possible.

      <mj-all font-family="inherit" />
      My super plain text email!