Dittofeed provides an email template editor through the dashboard, which supports Liquid syntax, HTML, and MJML. Learn more about coding responsive emails in MJML in the next section.

An example of a rendered “welcome email” template using MJML and Liquid:

A view of the dashboard editor with the template code:

A full view of your user properties, editor, and a rendered email preview:

Sending Email Attachments

Dittofeed supports sending email attachments.

When possible, you should link to files using a URL rather than sending them as attachments. Email attachments can have a substantial negative impact on emails’ deliverability.

  • Email providers often send emails with attachments to spam.
  • Email attachments are often used by malicious actors to distribute malware.

Sending email attachments requires using File type user properties. First, create a user property that will capture the file you’re interested in sending.

File User Property

Then, include a reference to this file in your template, by clicking on “Options”.

Email Template with Attachment File